HANNA® instruments Catálogo General v38

Conductivity/TDS Meters Introduction Conductivity and Temperature Conductivity changes with ion concentration and with temperature. For example, a standard potassium chloride solution used for calibration of a cell constant and conductivity bridge, changes conductivity as tabulated at right. Having two variables changing would make it near impossible to take useful conductivity measurements. If the temperature was held constant, the conductivity measurement would only have the variable of ion concentration. Absolute conductivity is a conductivity measurement without temperature compensation. If the conductivity change with temperature change of a solution is a known characteristic, the Conductivity measurements can be corrected to a reference temperature (typically 20 or 25°C) by carefully measuring the solution temperature. Fortunately, Hanna EC sensors incorporate an integral temperature sensor to measure solution temperature. Compensation corrects the measured conductivity to a reference temperature by applying a fixed factor β for linear compensation. High end meters allow adjustment of β to compensate for various solutions and permit adjustment of a reference temperature over a wider range of temperatures. β for neutral salts is typically between 1.5 to 2.2%/°C. EC₂₅= ECx (1+ β₂₅ (Tx—25)) Typical Temperature Coefficients of Various Solutions Sample Percent / °C Sample Percent / °C Ultrapure Water 4.55 10% HCl 1.32 NaCl 2.12 5% H₂SO₄ 0.96 5% NaOH 1.72 98% H₂SO₄ 2.84 Non- linear temperature compensation for Natural waters is found some high end bench meters. (USP) United States Pharmacopeia Compliant Conductivity Conductivity measurements are used for the preparation of pharmaceutical water for injection (WFI) worldwide. Hanna EC probes and meters can permit you to meet USP<645> Water Conductivity Requirements and European Pharmacopoeia 2.2.38 Conductivity Test for USP & EP Purified Water and Water for Injection. USP<645> with three stage compliance uses conductivity as a basis of ionic contaminants. Factors such as accuracy, resolution, cell constant certainty and ability to measure absolute conductivity are required. Stage 1 uses in-line conductivity measurements for compliance and a temperature/conductivity limit for compliance. Water that does not pass the Stage 1 limits must then be tested to Stage 2 requirements. This is a laboratory based technique that is streamlined using our meters with USP application firmware. They offer programmable set points to exceed the minimum meet USP and EP requirements and prompts to guide the technician. Water that does not pass at Stage 2 must be tested for pH. Using Hanna conductivity will help to meet the goals of the USP Purified Water and WFI requirements that include improved water quality, improved equipment reliability and reduction in the number of required tests. Conductivity Calibration Conductivity standards are salt solutions for which the conductivity and temperature dependence are known. A well-defined relationship between Potassium Chloride concentration and electrolytic conductivity exists so KCl solutions are typically used as standards. A standard is used to determine the cell constant, in theory a defined geometric constant volume. Standards of 84 μS/cm, 1413 μS/cm, 5.00 mS/cm, or 12.88 mS/cm, 80 mS/cm and 111.8 mS/cm are manufactured by Hanna. Calibration is conducted with a value close to the samples conductivity. If the exact cell constant is known, some meters permit the manual input of the factor. This ensures maximum flexibility and measurement accuracy. Our research grade bench meters allow several points values to be calibrated for improved accuracy over a wider measurement range. Types of Conductivity Three types of conductivity probes are manufactured by Hanna, The simplest design is a 2-Electrode Probe that utilizes an amperometric approach to make the measurement; a known AC voltage is applied at a specific frequency between a pair of electrodes in solution. The current produced is measured and reported in conductivity units referenced to a calibrated standard. Electrodes are made of graphite or metal. Fouling due to mineral deposits and polarization at high concentrations are drawbacks of this technology. Two electrodes probes are best used in clean water applications when conductivities remain less than 5 mS/cm. Four electrode conductivity (four-ring conductivity) utilizes a potentionmetric approach to make the measurement; an alternating current is applied to the outer two “drive”electrodes to induce a current in the solution. The voltage is measured between the inner pair of electrodes in solution. The voltage is proportional the conductivity This technology extends the linear range of measurement over three decades. Electrodes are made of graphite, stainless steel or Platinum. Polarization effects are reduced. Both two and four electrode probes may incorporate a outer sleeve over the cell channel. The sleeve must stay in place during the measurement as this defines the volume of solution measured and the cell factor of the probe. The third type of conductivity probe manufactured by Hanna is often found in industrial processes connected to a controller. An Inductive, Electrodeless or Toroidal conductivity probe uses two or more toroidal transformers which are inductively coupled side by side and encased in an inert plastic sheath. By applying a high frequency voltage to the drive toroid, a magnetic field develops that induces a current in the surrounding solution. A receiver toroid on the other side of the sensor measures the strength of the induced current. The strength depends on the conductivity of the solution. The benefits of this technology are no polarization effects, choice of material encapsulation can produce chemical resistant and relative immunity to fouling, and solutions are not needed for calibration. Conductivity 0.01m KCl °C uS/cm 21 1305 22 1332 23 1359 24 1386 25 1413 26 1441 27 1468 28 1496 5 Conductivity / TDS 5.3 www.hannainst.com | introduction